If you're wondering what YOU can do to start your day right, just look at Dr. Nielson's Morning Routine! It's a set of tried and true micro habits and only takes 12 minutes!
Micro habits are tiny, everyday habits that lead you toward big results. They definitely pack a punch when you are willing to apply them. We've got 12 of them for you. The first is listed below and stay tuned over the next month as we teach you all 12 important ways to start your days.
When we sleep our bodies typically move around a lot. With various sleeping positions throughout the night, we can become a bit distorted and hunched over. All of these cause stress on our bodies.
Dr. Nielson recommends 25 belly breaths after you roll out of bed. The ideal way to do this is to lay your spine along a foam roller and extend your arms out 90 degrees and place on the ground. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply from your belly. You will feel a stretch through your shoulders and chest. This type of breathing sends more oxygen to your muscles and organs which will help to release the stress and tightness you woke up with and make breathing easier throughout the day. This will take you approximately 4 minutes. Try listening to a book on tape, meditating, praying, or planning your day in your mind at the same time.
If you don't own a foam roller (3 foot roller preferred), laying on your bed or the floor will do. It's not ideal, but is better than nothing!
Tune in next time for a few more micro habits that are sure to help you create more pain-free days. We've got 12 for you, so check back soon!